Getinge is committed to ensuring that all people and societies have access to the best possible health care. The company supports its customers in meeting challenges in health care and life science by providing knowledge, technology and resources to achieve optimal clinical outcomes and, ultimately, to save lives.
Our customers, and ultimately in the end the patients, expect that Getinge’s products are of high quality, safe and secured against vulnerabilities that could affect the functioning of the products and the security, integrity and privacy of the information and data used by the products.
The security, integrity and privacy of the sensitive data of our customers, patients, and operators of our systems is profoundly embedded in our development processes. However, Getinge encourages customers to responsibly report any potential security and privacy vulnerabilities identified in our products and solutions.
Getinge maintains a product security page in order to provide contact details and information concerning the accurate procedures to test and report any vulnerabilities.
If you encounter any issue with our products which do not implicate security or privacy vulnerabilities, or if you encounter any other issue which might affect patient, user, or operator safety, please contact your local Sales & Service representative.
When you discover a security or privacy vulnerability we appreciate if you could notify us by filling in this form. We appreciate if you provide all information in English and ask you to refrain from including sensitive information, such as patient data, in any screen shots or other attachments you provide to us.
While we value your investigation efforts, please conduct testing in safe environments.
We want to make sure that users of our systems are not exposed to unnecessary risks. If you plan to publicly disclose a potential vulnerability, please inform us of your plans. We encourage you to work with Getinge to coordinate or synchronize the public release of information.
If the vulnerability is verified, Getinge will give credit to the researcher reporting the vulnerability in the published security advisory, if requested.
In case you decide to share any information with Getinge, you automatically agree that the information you submit will be considered as non-proprietary and non-confidential and that Getinge is allowed to use such information in any manner, in whole or in part, without any restriction. Furthermore, you agree that submitting information does not create any rights for you or any obligation for Getinge.
Opuszczasz właśnie witrynę Możesz uzyskać dostęp do treści, którymi nie zarządza zespół firmy Getinge. W takim przypadku firma Getinge nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za te treści.