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Linear 7.5 Fr. IAB Catheter

The Linear 25cc, 34cc and 40cc IAB catheters feature a proprietary membrane and a 7.5 Fr. size. This reduced size enables clinicians to deliver counterpulsation therapy to a broader range of patients, including those with smaller peripheral vasculature.[1]

Linear Intra-aortic balloon catheter designed for hemodynamic support in patients with smaller peripheral vasculature

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  1. 1. Meisel SR, Shochat M, Abu Sheikha M, et al. Utilization of Low-Profile Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheters Inserted by the Sheathless Technique in Acute Cardiac Patients: Clinical Efficacy with a Very Low Complication Rate. Clin Cardiol. 2004;27(11):600-604.

  2. 2. Tam, Christopher W.; Shen, Liang; Zeidman, Amanda Dijanic; Srivastava, Ankur; Ivascu, Natalia S.. Mechanical Circulatory Support: Primer for Consultant Specialists. CJASN 17(6):p 890-901, June 2022.

  3. 3. Jiritano F, Lo Coco V, Matteucci M, Fina D, Willers A, LorussoR. Temporary Mechanical Circulatory Support in Acute Heart Failure. Card Fail Rev. 2020 Mar 16;6:e01.

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