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Getinge Check Bowie-Dick Mini Pack 134°C

Advanced diagnostic capability with superior ink technology

Our Getinge Check Bowie-Dick Mini Pack boosts an advanced diagnostic capability with superior ink technology that tests for air leaks and the presence of non-condensable gases. Its unique design is a fraction of the size of a conventional Bowie-Dick test pack and is cost-effective.

Compared to a traditional Bowie-Dick test pack, you are able to save on paper waste, transport cost and valuable storage space. The product is entirely free of lead and other toxic heavy metals.

* Not available for sales in the USA.

Getinge Check Bowie-Dick Mini Pack is for use in testing pre-vacuum steam sterilizers operating at 134C - 137C

Getinge Check Bowie-Dick Mini Pack 134°Cの特徴

  • 優れた診断技術
  • ユニークでコンパクトな設計
  • 明確な色変化:紫から緑色へ
  • 省スペース、優れたコスト効率
  • 鉛、有毒な重金属不使用
  • 記録可能
  • EN ISO 11140-4に準拠
  • 超大気圧/亜大気圧の試験サイクルで使用




Getinge Check Bowie-Dick Mini Pack 134°C



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