
MEGA 7.5Fr. & 8Fr. IAB 导管

Mega IAB 系列为每位患者提供更大的血流动力学支持和更好的疗效。

Mega inta-aortic balloon catheter offers increased augementation for patients of all heights in need of hemodynamic support

作为反搏疗法领域的先进品牌,Maquet 致力于开发能够提供更大血液动力学支持的IAB导管

因此,我们在 Mega 8 Fr. 50 cc IAB 的优越基础之上打造扩展 Mega 系列。大容量 MEGA 7.5 Fr. 30 cc 和 40 cc IAB 球囊的问市,可以为所有身高的患者提供更大的血容量置换。


Greater hemodynamic support


在舒张期 Mega 大容量球囊会在主动脉内产生更大的血容量的改变,从而改善反搏压,降低负荷。*

  • 更多血容量置换
  • 更多的舒张期增强 
  • 更多收缩期卸荷
Statlock® IAB Stabilization Device

Statlock® IAB 固定装置

STATLOCK IAB 固定装置用于无缝合固定 IAB 导管,从而提高患者的安全性和舒适性。

  • 避免针线缝合并发症
  • 患者舒适、安全
  • 使用和拆除快捷、方便
Proprietary IAB Membrane

专利 IAB 膜

Maquet 专利的吹塑成型聚亚氨酯材料,可以承受大多数主动脉钙化的持续磨损。

  • 耐磨性提高 43%
  • 穿刺阻力降低
  • 启动时立即打开
Advanced IAB Design

先进的 IAB 设计


  • 特有球囊卷叠技术,没有降阶
  • 共腔设计,优化气体通道
  • 0.027" 大内腔设计,保证可靠的压力传感器信号

* 由 Maquet 完成的台架测试。存档数据。台架测试结果不一定与测临床结果一致。

Statlock 是 C. R. Bard,Inc. 的注册商标。


We report the enhanced augmentation of cardiac output in a 60-year-old man who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stent implantation for a large anteroseptal ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction. Because of persistent systemic hypotension during the procedure, a 50 cc, 8 Fr. MEGA® intra-aortic balloon was inserted, used for 24 hours, and removed without complications. The use of this new balloon — with larger blood volume displacement but smaller caliber at the insertion site — significantly increased cardiac output in 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 assist modes, by more than 15%, 9%, and 4%, respectively. These findings exceed the average augmentations reported for smaller-volume balloon catheters.

A primary cause of adverse outcomes among high-risk patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) may be a diminished capacity to tolerate the hemodynamic and ischemic insults that can occur during the procedure. A common means of mechanical support during PCI has been the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP). We describe successful periprocedural mechanical support with a new, 50 cc IABP in a patient with both severe left ventricular dysfunction and extensive coronary arteriosclerosis, for whom PCI with stenting was indicated. The prophylactic use of this 50 cc IABP, which traditionally would be contraindicated because of the patient's height (162.6 cm), markedly increased the diastolic aortic pressure (by ~110 mmHg) over the baseline level, while promptly reducing left-sided heart pressures. This finding appears to exceed the average diastolic augmentation reported for smaller-volume balloons. Although the role of the IABP in high-risk PCI remains controversial, further research is warranted to clarify and compare this new 50 cc IABP to smaller-volume balloons, and ascertain whether the observed hemodynamic benefits can translate into improved clinical outcomes among patients requiring mechanical support during PCI.


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