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Getinge Assured MI Steam Migrating Integrator Strips

The Getinge Assured MI Steam Migrating Integrator Strip is an internal pack integrating indicator designed to react to critical process parameters of a steam sterilization cycle within a stated tolerance.

During steam sterilization, the chemical pellet melts and migrates as a blue color along the paper wick. The migration is visible through a window marked FAIL or PASS.

Getinge Assured MI Steam Migrating Integrator Strips react to all critical process variables for steam

Getinge Assured MI Steam Migrating Integrator Strips offer the following features:

  • Conforms to ISO 11140-1 Type 5
  • Easy interpretation with “PASS” and “FAIL” windows
  • Assurance to the user that minimum cycle parameters have been achieved inside the pack
  • Cost effective
  • Compatible with all steam sterilization methods

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Description Part #
Getinge Assured MI Steam Migrating Integrator Strip, L 2 in. x W 0.75 in., 250 pcs per bag 61301606825