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Getinge Assured CHEMISIX Emulating Chemical Indicator

ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11140-1, Type 6

The Getinge ChemiSix Emulating Chemical Indicator is for use in a pre-vacuum steam sterilization process operating at 270°F/132°C for 4 minutes or 275°F/135°C for 3 minutes. When exposed to steam sterilization conditions, the indicator will turn from purple to green giving an integrated response and visible indication that sterilization conditions were met.

Chemisix Emulating Indicator

Getinge Assured CHEMISIX Emulating Chemical Indicators offer the following features:

  • 4 minutes at 270°F/132°C or 3 minutes at 275°F/135°C
  • Easy to use and understand; indicator arrow turns from purple to green when exposed to sufficient steam sterilization parameters
  • Sterilant specific technology — must have steam to change color
  • Lead and toxic heavy metal free
  • Will not revert back to original color and may be used for permanent record
  • Shelf Life 18 months from date of manufacture

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Description Part #
CHEMISIX Emulating Indicator, 250 pcs 61301606200
CHEMISIX Emulating Indicator, 500 pcs 61301606626