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Applikon Bio

High quality multi-use bioreactor for lab-scale applications

The stirred tank Applikon Bio excels in quality and modularity. This glass autoclavable bioreactor supports you in your research and development applications and smoothly optimizes your process while scaling up to higher volumes.

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Multi-use glass autoclavable Applikon Bio bioreactors in various volumes
The Applikon Bio 5 L multi-use glass autoclavable bioreactor
The Applikon Bio 7 L multi-use bioreactor with marine impeller and condenser

Easily configure your glass autoclavable bioreactor to changing process demands

  • Simple set-up and easy handling
  • Wide range of volumes to fit many applications
  • Easy cleanability by electropolished finish of the product
  • Interchangeable modules to tailor the systems to research demands

The Applikon Bio is easy to upgrade if a change in research activities occurs, whether it involves cell culture applications or microbial culture applications. Because of the modularity and flexibility, you can always adapt the system to
changing process demands. This results in low initial investment and low running costs.
The stirred tank reactor (STR) is the most widely used bioreactor type. Getinge Applikon multi-use bioreactors and fermenters are available in 2 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 15 / 20 liter total volume.


Advances in bioreactor washing

The programmable Getinge Ultima Lancer labware washer with specialty washer rack for the multi-use 1-3 L bioreactors assures thorough cleaning, better reproducibility and reduced labor.

Watch the video to view how the Getinge Applikon bioreactors and Getinge Lancer washers bring you a holistic solution for lab applications.

This Applikon bioreactor straight in your lab

Are you interested in the multi-use Applikon bioreactor, and would you like to get a virtual sample right now? Try this bioreactor in Augmented Reality*.

Scan the QR code on your desktop with your mobile device or click on the link directly on the mobile device and discover how the Applikon Bio would be on your bench.

*View this page on an Augmented Reality (AR) compatible device. Augmented Reality (AR) adds digital elements to the camera of your smartphone, creating the illusion that holographic content is a part of a physical world around you.

Applikon Bio 3L AR

Applikon Bio 3 L

Does a multi-use bioreactor better match your application?
Experience the multi-use Bio 3 L in your lab.

Appli Bio 3l.png

Borosilicate glass

The glass dished bottom vessels are made of borosilicate glass to guarantee:

  • resistance to thermal shock
  • excellent corrosion resistance
  • smooth, non porous surface for easy cleaning
  • optimal transparency for visual inspection of the culture 

High quality parts

The system is built according to the specific demands of a process using an extensive array of high quality components. All metal parts of the bioreactor are constructed of stainless steel 316L. There are no welded parts in the bioreactor topplate, which simplifies the sterilization of the bioreactor after each run.

Up to 0.5 barg

The glass bioreactor vessels can be used up to 0.5 barg (7.5 psig) of overpressure.


volume (L)
ratio total
volume (L)
ratio working
volume (L)
2 liter single wall 2.2 1.7 0.5 2.2 1.9
2 liter jacketed 2.2 1.7 0.5 2.2 1.9
3 liter single wall 3.1 2.7 0.5 1.9 1.5
3 liter jacketed 3.1 2.7 0.5 1.9 1.5
5 liter single wall 4.8 3.4 0.9 1.6 1.1
5 liter jacketed 4.8 3.4 0.9 1.6 1.1
7 liter single wall 6.8 5.4 1.5 2.2 1.8
7 liter jacketed 6.8 5.4 1.5 2.2 1.8
15 liter single wall 16.5 12 3.0 1.7 1.5
15 liter jacketed 18.2 12 3.0 1.5 1.2
20 liter single wall 23.4 16 3.0 2.4 2.0
  Internal Diameter (mm) Internal Height (mm) Autoclave dimensions (WxH mm)
2 liter single wall 105 240 ø190 x 436
2 liter jacketed 105 240 ø219 x 486
3 liter single wall 130 240 ø190 x 436
3 liter jacketed 130 240 ø235 x 436
5 liter single wall 160 250 ø260 x 436
5 liter jacketed 160 250 ø260 x 480
7 liter single wall 160 350 ø260 x 600
7 liter jacketed 160 350 ø264 x 645
15 liter single wall 222 440 ø381 x 710
15 liter jacketed 240 440 ø391 x 740
20 liter single wall 222 620 ø381 x 900
Drive system Direct drive, lipsealed or magnetically coupled
Stirrer speed (rpm) Standard range is 50 - 1250
2 and 3 liter systems can be supplied with 2000 rpm motor
Impellers Rushton and marine with outside diameters 45 mm, 60 mm 75 mm or 85 mm
Gas sparger Porous sparger or L-type sparger
Gas overlay Yes
Exhaust gas Water cooled exhaust gas condenser
Sampling Fixed height or height adjustable sample pipe with optional sampling system
Sample pipe internal diameters choices are: 1.7 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm or 10 mm
Draining Drain pipe
Additions Triple or single inlet ports and optional micro liquid injectors
pH Measurement: 12 mm classic pH sensor
  Control: via acid pump or CO2 gas (rotameter or MFC) in combination with alkali pump
DO2 Measurement: 12 mm classic polarographic DO2 sensor or LumiSens for 2-5 L
Control: via a combination of N2, Air, O2 (Rotameter or MFC) and agitation
Temperature Measurement: Pt-100 sensor in thermowell in topplate
Control: cooling and/or heating jacket via bioreactor wall or via internal heat exchanger
Foam Measurement: Height adjustable conductivity based foam sensor
Control: anti-foam addition pump
Level Measurement: Height adjustable conductivity based level sensor
Control: pump for liquid addition or removal
Optional inlets Septum, chemostat tube, liquid entry system

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