Bölge seçiniz
Johan Malmquist

Johan Malmquist

Board member elected by AGM, Chairman of the Board

Born 1961
B.Sc. in Business Administration

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. Board member since 2016.

Other assignments: Chairman of Arjo AB (publ) and Trelleborg AB (publ). Board member of Elekta AB (publ.), Mölnlycke Health Care AB, the Dunker Foundations, Stena Adactum AB and Chalmers University of Technology Foundation.

Previous assignments: President and CEO of Getinge Group 1997-2015, Business Area Director within Getinge Group, President of Getinge Group’s French subsidiary, President of subsidiaries in the Electrolux Group.

Shareholding (own and related parties):
140,000 Class B shares.

Independent in relation to the company and company management and in relation to the company’s major shareholders.

Carl Bennet

Carl Bennet

Board member elected by AGM, Vice Chairman of the Board

Born 1951
B.Sc. in Business Administration, med. Dr. h.c., tech.Dr. h.c.

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Vice Chairman of the Board. Chairman of the Nomination Committee. Member of the Remuneration Committee. Board member since 1989.

Other assignments: CEO and Chairman of Carl Bennet AB. Chairman of Lifco AB (publ). Vice Chairman of Arjo AB (publ) and Elanders AB (publ). Board member of Holmen AB (publ) and L E Lundbergsföretagen AB (publ).

Previous assignments: Chairman of the Board of Directors 1997–2019. President and CEO of Getinge 1989–1997. Board member in Holmens AB (publ)

Shareholding (own and related parties): Holds 18,217,200 Class A shares and 36,802,969 Class B shares through company.

Independent in relation to the company and the company's management, but not in relation to the company's major shareholders.

Johan Brygge

Johan Bygge

Board member elected by AGM

Born 1956
B.Sc. in Business Administration

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee. Board member since 2007.

Other assignments: Chairman of Scandi Standard AB (publ) and Guard Therapeutics AB (publ). Vice Chairman of Third Swedish Pension Fund (AP3). Board member of Lantmännen Ek.För and CapMan OYJ.

Previous assignments: Former Chairman of PSM International China and Nobina AB (publ), Chairman of EQT Asia Pacific, Venture Partner of Prorsum AG Venture Fund, COO of EQT, Board member of Anticimex, I-Med Ltd, Praktikertjänst AB and Baltic Deep Water Life, CFO of Investor AB, Executive Vice President of Electrolux and CFO of Electrolux.

Shareholding (own and related parties):
23,200 Class B shares.

Independent in relation to the company and company management and in relation to the company’s major shareholders.

Cecilia Daun Wennborg

Cecilia Daun Wennborg

Board member elected by AGM

Born 1963
M.Sc. in Business Administration

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Chairman of the Ethics and Sustainability Committee. Member of the Auditing Committee. Board member since 2010.

Other assignments: Board member of, among others, Loomis AB (publ), Bravida Holding AB (publ), Oncopeptides AB (publ), Atvexa AB (publ), Hotell Diplomat AB, Stiftelsen Oxfam Sverige and member of Swedish Securities Council.

Previous assignments: Former deputy CEO of Ambea AB, CEO of Carema Vård och Omsorg AB, acting CEO of Skandiabanken, Head of Swedish Operations at Skandia and President of Skandia Link, and Board member
of Atos Medical Holding AB (publ), Hoist Finance AB (publ), Sophiahemmet and ICA Gruppen AB (publ)

Shareholding (own and related parties):
12,500 Class B shares.

Independent in relation to the company and company management and in relation to the company’s major shareholders.

Dan Frohm

Dan Frohm

Board member elected by AGM

Born 1981
M.Sc., Industrial Engineering and Management.

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Member of the Remuneration Committee. Member of the Ethics and Sustainability Committee. Board member since 2017.

Other assignments: CEO of DF Advisory LLC. Chairman of Elanders AB (publ).
Board member of Arjo AB (publ), Carl Bennet AB, Lifco AB (publ) and
Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc

Previous assignments: Former management consultant at Applied Value LLC in New York.

Shareholding (own and related parties):
154,999 Class B shares.

Independent in relation to the company and the company's management, but not in relation to the company's major shareholders.

Mattias Perjos

Mattias Perjos

Board member elected by AGM

Born 1972
M.Sc., Industrial Engineering and Management.

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Board member since 2017.

Other assignments: President and CEO of Getinge, Board member of EUROAPI S.A., Board member of the Swedish International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Previous assignments: Former CEO of Coesia Industrial Process Solutions (IPS) and head of Coesia International. Senior positions at FlexLink AB including the role of CEO.

Shareholding (own and related parties):
125,000 Class B shares.

Independent in relation to the company's major shareholders, but not in relation to the company and the company's management

Malin Persson

Malin Persson

Board member elected by AGM

Born 1968
M.Sc., Industrial Engineering & Management

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Member of the Ethics and Sustainability Committee. Board member since 2014.

Other assignments: CEO and owner of Accuracy AB. Chairman of Universeum AB. Board member of, among others, Hexpol AB (publ), Peab AB (publ), Ricardo PLC, Beckers Group, OX2 AB (publ), Oddwork Sweden AB, Hydroscand
Group AB and Stena Sessan AB.

Previous assignments: Former CEO of the Chalmers University
of Technology Foundation, Chairman of AB Chalmers Studentkårs företagsgrupp and many years’ experience in major Swedish industrial enterprises such as the Volvo Group. Former Board member of Hexatronic Group AB (publ), EVRY ASA, Mekonomen AB (publ) and Magnora AB

Shareholding (own and related parties): 
13,112 Class B shares.

Independent in relation to the company and company management and in relation to the company’s major shareholders.

Kristian Samuelsson

Kristian Samuelsson

Board member elected by AGM

Born 1977
Professor, MD, PhD, MSc

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Board member since 2021.

Other assignments: Professor of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Gothenburg and senior consultant in orthopaedic surgery at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

Previous assignments: Experience from healthcare with evidence-based medical research and interdisciplinary research in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI) and digitization.

Shareholding (own and related parties):
5,000 Class B shares.

Independent in relation to the company and company management and in relation to the company’s major shareholders.

Åke Larsson

Åke Larsson

Ordinary Board member, representative of Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers

Born 1966
M.Sc., Senior Principal Engineer, Research & Development

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Ordinary Board member 2016–2018,
2020–2022 and from October 2022. Deputy 2014–2016, 2018–2020 and
2022. Employed at Maquet Critical Care AB.

Shareholding (own and related parties):
Holds no shares.

Fredrik Brattborn

Fredrik Brattborn

Ordinary Board member, representative of Swedish Metalworkers’ Union Assembly

Born 1976
Workshop technician, Manufacturing

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Deputy 2020-2020. Ordinary member
from April 2022. Employed at Getinge Disinfection AB.

Shareholding (own and related parties):
Holds no shares.

Ida Ekman

Ida Ekman

Deputy Board member, representative of Unionen

Born 1985
BEng Chemical Engineering, Manager Master Data Operations, IT

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Deputy Board member since 2022. Employed at Getinge Business Support Services AB.

Shareholding (own and related parties):
45 Class B-shares.

Pontus Käll

Pontus Käll

Deputy Board member, representative of Swedish Metalworkers’ Union Assembly

Born 1991
Functional tester

Assignments on Getinge’s Board: Deputy Board member since 2022. Employed at Getinge Sterilization AB

Shareholding (own and related parties):
Holds no shares.

The duties of the Board of directors

The Board of Directors regularly evaluates Getinge’s financial position and ensures that Getinge is organized in such way that the accounting, management of cash and cash equivalents and the company’s financial conditions in general are otherwise satisfactorily controlled.

Furthermore, the Board of Directors shall continuously evaluate the work of the President & CEO and address this matter at one meeting every year without the presence of anyone from the Getinge Executive Team. At one of its meetings during the year, the Board is to meet with the company’s auditors without the presence of the President & CEO or any other individual from the Getinge Executive Team.

According to the Articles of Association, Getinge’s Board of Directors is to comprise not fewer than three and not more than ten members, with not more than ten deputy members. The Board members are elected annually at the AGM to serve for the period up to and including the next AGM. Employees have the right to appoint two representatives and two deputy members to the Board. 

The Board’s work is mainly governed by the Swedish Companies Act (aktiebolagslagen), the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (svensk kod för bolagsstyrning) and the Board’s rules of procedure. Guidelines for the Board’s work are described in more detail in the Board’s rules of procedure and annual plan. The Board’s rules of procedure specify the number of ordinary Board meetings to be held (seven ordinary meetings in addition to the statutory Board meeting), the matters to be addressed at each ordinary Board meeting, the duties of the Chairman of the Board and the division of responsibilities between the Board and the President & CEO. It also states what the President & CEO should report to the Board and when and how the Board should receive information and documentation in order to make well-founded decisions. The rules of procedure also include provisions to prevent disqualification and conflicts of interest for Board members, and a process for handling any transactions between Getinge and related parties. The Board’s rules of procedure and annual plan are reviewed and adopted every year.