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The Tzu Chi Foundation strongly believes that the advanced surgical techniques performed in a Hybrid OR deliver patient benefits that are well worth the investment. Patients benefit from the safety and shorter recovery times that minimally invasive procedures can offer.

The Foundation is a humanitarian and non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the health and wellbeing of those in greatest need in densely populated, lower-income communities within Taiwan. The adoption of Hybrid OR technology was part of a modernization effort at Hualien, the oldest facility in the hospital network.

Tzu Chi Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan

An experienced provider helps to reduce project risks

The hospital required an extensive remodel to accommodate the Hybrid OR suite, bringing together imaging systems by GE Healthcare with equipment and construction handled by Getinge. Getinge was chosen as an experienced partner with a complete solution and extensive experience of partnering with leading imaging companies. Working with a single provider helps hospitals minimize risks while enabling efficient workflows and ensure a streamlined installation process.


Why Tzu Chi invested in the Hybrid OR

Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital performs many complex surgeries each year. With the Hybrid OR, the hospital can provide better care for patients needing cardiac surgeries, aortic valve replacement (TAVR), percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PCTA), orthopedic procedures, or neurosurgery. In this video, we hear from Ji-Hung Wang, Deputy Superintendent, explaining the decision to invest in the latest Hybrid OR technology: “[We have] the responsibility to provide our patients with the latest medical treatments. We need to keep up with the latest technology and use that to help move treatments forward.”

Open heart surgery could take more than 10 hours. Because of the technology available in the hybrid surgical suite, the cardiac team can complete the procedure in about one hour. The hybrid procedure is much better for the patient.


What does Hybrid OR installation look like?

The Maquet IN2 Modular Room System helps to make installation fast and efficient in both new construction and renovation of existing spaces. This time-lapse video shows the installation process at Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital from start to finish, over a period of 11 weeks.

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