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Getinge publishes Annual Report for 2024

Today, Getinge publishes its Annual Report, including Sustainability Report, for 2024. The report summarizes a year characterized by strong growth, increased customer satisfaction, and successful product launches. The global medtech company has reached new sales records, strengthened its acquisitions, and continued to develop innovative solutions that improve healthcare – all while maintaining a strong focus on quality improvements and adapting to increasing market demands.

Embracing Getinge’s purpose

Meet Alisa Stafford, an Office Administrator at Getinge who recently took on a new challenge by stepping in front of the camera to represent the company’s purpose to make life-saving technology accessible to more people.

Getinge introduces Neural Pressure Support for the Servo-u ventilator system

Getinge announces the launch of its latest innovation in ICU ventilation – Neural Pressure Support (NPS) – available for both invasive and non-invasive ventilation. Building on its most personalized ventilation modes, NAVA and NIV NAVA, these two new NPS modes offer clinicians more options to provide personalized ventilation that aims to protect both the lungs and diaphragm.


The shareholders of Getinge AB (publ), corporate ID No. 556408-5032, (“Getinge”) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) on Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 3.00 p.m. CEST, in Kongresshallen, Hotel Tylösand, Halmstad, Sweden. Entrance registration starts at 2.00 p.m. CEST. A lighter snack will be served after the AGM. The Board of Directors of Getinge has decided that the shareholders shall be able to exercise their voting right the AGM by postal voting in accordance with the regulations in Getinge’s Articles of Association, as further described below.

Getinge’s Nomination Committee proposes Ulrika Dellby as new Board member

The Nomination Committee of Getinge AB (publ) proposes that Ulrika Dellby is elected as new Board member at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) on April 22, 2025. Further, the Nomination Committee proposes re-election of all current Board members.

Getinge’s new DPTE®-FLEX Alpha port enables gloveless component transfer, minimizing human intervention and contamination risks in pharmaceutical production

Getinge is introducing its new DPTE®-FLEX, a manual, externally openable port. This new port enhances safety, efficiency, and compliance in pharmaceutical manufacturing by allowing secure, gloveless transfers, which reduces human intervention and contamination risks. This complements their existing products, the DPTE®-XS and DPTE®-EXO Alpha ports.


Smiling woman with wavy brown hair wearing a black top against a light background.

Alexandra Holland

EVP Brand & Communication
Phone: +1 908 930 8661

Caroline Örmgård, Getinge Head of Public & Media Relations

Caroline Örmgård

Head of Public & Media Relations
Phone: +46 10 335 0041

Katarzyna Sypula,Senior CX Campaigns & Events Manager, Getinge

Katarzyna Sypuła

Senior Customer Experience Campaigns & Events Manager 
CEE/ South Europe / SAPAC
Tel: +48 661 705 706


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