At the Annual General Meeting of Getinge AB held on March 29, 2017, the following was resolved
Carl Bennet (Chairman), Johan Bygge, Cecilia Daun Wennborg, Johan Malmquist, Malin Persson and Johan Stern were re-elected as members of the Board. Barbro Fridén, Dan Frohm, Sofia Hasselberg and Mattias Perjos were elected as new members of the Board.
It was resolved that remuneration to the Board of Directors shall amount to a total of SEK 5,750,000 excluding remuneration for Committee work, of which unchanged, SEK 1,150,000 to the Chairman and unchanged, SEK 575,000 to each of the other Board members elected by the Meeting who are not employees of Getinge Group. In addition hereto, the Meeting resolved that work in the Audit Committee shall, unchanged, be compensated with SEK 240,000 to the Chairman and SEK 120,000 to each of the other members, while work in the Remuneration Committee shall, unchanged, be compensated with SEK 125,000 to the Chairman and SEK 92,000 to each of the other members.
The registered public accounting firm Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected auditor of the company for a term of one year. The public accounting firm has informed that Johan Rippe will be the principal auditor and Eric Salander co-auditor. It was resolved that auditor fees shall be paid in accordance with approved account.
In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors and the CEO, the Annual General Meeting resolved to declare a dividend of SEK 2.00 per share. March 31, 2017 was determined as record date for dividend.
The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board regarding guidelines for remuneration to senior executives, which principally involve the following. Remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment for senior executives shall be based on market conditions and be competitive in all markets where Getinge operates, to ensure that competent and skillful employees can be attracted, motivated and retained. The total remuneration to senior executives shall comprise basic salary, variable remuneration, pensions and other benefits. The variable remuneration shall be limited and connected to predetermined and measurable criteria elaborated with the purpose to promote the long-term added value of the company. The Board shall retain the right to deviate from the guidelines if motivated by particular reasons on an individual basis.
The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board regarding amendments to the Articles of Association, entailing that the Board shall, in addition to any members who pursuant to Swedish law may be appointed other than by a General Meeting of the Company, comprise of no fewer than three and no more than ten members with a maximum of ten deputy members.
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