Shareholders who wish to participate in and vote for their shares at the General Meeting must be registered in the share register and notify their participation.* Shareholders who are unable to attend in person may be represented by a proxy.
Getinge's Annual General Meeting is held in Gothenburg or Halmstad no later than six months after the end of the financial year. The time and venue for the meeting are announced, at the latest, in connection with the interim report for the third quarter.
Notice to Attend
The notice to attend the General Meeting is published 4-6 weeks before the meeting in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and on the company's website. An announcement that the notice to attend has been published is made in Svenska Dagbladet.
* The notice of participation to attend the General Meeting specifies how to give notice to the company and provides other information about participation in the General Meeting. The notice must be received within a certain time prior to the general meeting.
Matters at the Annual General Meeting
The Shareholders are informed about the development of the company during the past year. Key matters addressed at the Annual General Meeting are, for example, decisions made regarding the company and group's income statements and balance sheets, allocation of the company's profit, discharge from liability for the Board members and CEO, election of and remuneration for the Board members and the auditors, and any other issues in accordance with law or the articles of association.
Matters by request of Shareholders
A Shareholder is entitled to have a matter addressed at the General Meeting, provided that the board has received such request no later than one week before the notice to attend may be published at the earliest. The matter will be addressed also if the request is received later than said time, if the matter can be included in the notice to attend. A Shareholder who wishes to have a matter considered by the General Meeting must submit a written proposal to the meeting.
Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at the discretion of the Board of Directors, or if the auditors or a Shareholder who own no less then 10% of the shares request such meeting to be held. Matters to be handled on such meeting should be specified in writing in the request.