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Getinge’s Strategic Vision For Advancing Critical Care In India

The landscape of critical care in India is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing healthcare access and quality. In an exclusive interaction with BW Healthcare, Cecilia Sjöstedt, Vice President of the Critical Care division at Getinge, shares her insights on how advancements in medical technology are poised to impact critical care in India over the next decade, and the innovative steps Getinge is taking to support this transformation.

Advancements in medical technology impacting critical care

Cecilia foresees significant advancements in medical technology shaping critical care in India. "Tertiary care in India is migrating into rural and semi-urban areas. This shift necessitates robust machines to withstand harsh conditions such as dusty summers and damp monsoons," she notes. Telemedicine is also becoming more prevalent, requiring weather-resistant kiosks with high-tech sensors and equipment. Mechanical engineering plays a crucial role in developing these critical care solutions for the Indian ecosystem.

Addressing respiratory care challenges

The introduction of the Servo-c ventilator marks a pivotal advancement in respiratory care for Indian hospitals. Sjöstedt elaborates on its benefits:

Wider patient range:  The ventilator supports low-weight paediatrics to adults (200 L/min peak flow), accommodating a broad spectrum of patients.

Oxygen efficiency and patient comfort:  Features like low-bias flow trigger minimise oxygen waste, while leakage compensation in non-invasive ventilation reduces mask discomfort.

Cost effectiveness: Reusable flow sensors and ultrasonic oxygen sensors lower operating costs. User-friendly guidance reduces reliance on specialised technicians. The built-in vibrating mesh nebuliser and long-lasting lithium-ion battery (1.5 hours) are game-changers for Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.

Scalable solution:  Its modular design allows for future upgrades, such as capnography and high-flow therapy, making it a long-term investment for hospitals.

"The Servo-c ventilator is more than just a ventilator; it's a comprehensive ICU solution addressing Indian hospitals' challenges in respiratory care," Sjostedt emphasises.

Innovations at the IIC

The India Innovation Centre (IIC) is a cornerstone of Getinge's strategy to cater to the Indian healthcare landscape. "Our focus has been on building internal capability, ramping up software infrastructure, and onboarding talented engineers and managers," says Sjöstedt. The IIC aims to develop mid-segment product lines and solutions tailored to India’s unique challenges, which can also be launched globally.

Medical technologies for the Indian market

Beyond ventilators, Getinge is bringing advanced medical technologies to India, particularly in the cardiovascular domain. "India bears a significant burden of cardiovascular diseases. Our solutions for Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting (EVH), Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), and advanced hemodynamic monitoring are among the market leaders," Sjöstedt points out. Getinge supports these technologies with educational activities to ensure proper adoption and implementation.

Ensuring accessibility in tier two and three cities

Recognising the need for affordable healthcare, Getinge is committed to making its technologies accessible to a wider range of hospitals. "We have launched a ‘Make in India for India’ project, developing economical critical care products with newer technology. Manufacturing locally in India makes strategic sense and strengthens our supply chain," Sjöstedt explains.

Incorporating telemedicine and remote patient monitoring

Getinge is actively incorporating trends like telemedicine and remote patient monitoring into its critical care solutions. "We developed an IP with IIT Bombay on 'digital triage based on AI,' showcasing our proactive approach. Our digital twin servo product represents state-of-the-art remote ICU patient monitoring," says Sjöstedt.

Bridging the gap

A skilled workforce is essential for the effective use of medical technology. "We collaborate with Indian institutions like IIT Madras to bridge the skill gap. Our clinical and application specialists work closely with healthcare providers to ensure new technologies are well understood and implemented," Sjöstedtt highlights. Getinge is also working on initiatives to launch neonatal ventilation, aiming to reduce neonatal infant mortality in India, added Sjöstedt.

Ensuring data privacy and compliance

Getinge ensures its technologies comply with Indian data privacy regulations. "The IIC is aligned with our global standards and IT systems. We conduct stringent quality and compliance audits with our OEMs and consultants, maintaining high data privacy and security standards," she assures.

Future advancements

Looking ahead, Sjöstedt is excited about Getinge's contributions to advancing healthcare in India. "India's MedTech industry is undergoing a transformative phase. With our vision to double the number of lives saved, blending India into our strategy is crucial. We are market leaders in various advanced lifesaving technologies and committed to making a significant impact on healthcare in India," she concludes.

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