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Torin OR Management

Efficient surgical planning is the key to success

Torin is the OR management solution that is using artificial intelligence to help improve long-term and daily scheduling. Torin supports real-time progress updates and performance analysis. All to provide overview, structure workflows and utilise resources more efficiently, enabling you to focus on providing the best possible care for patients.


Torin OR Management surgery calandar
OR staff discussing OR schedule by screen in the surgical department with Getinge’s OR Management solution Torin
OR staff checking the business intelligence data for an optimized decision support with the OR management solution Torin
Key Features

Key Features

  • Artificial intelligence for better prediction of surgery times
  • Manage surgical waiting lists
  • Information sharing across all departments
  • Real-time updates of surgery progress


Torin Optimisation

Torin Optimization

AI and Business Intelligence for smart OR Management

Torin Optimization promotes advanced surgical planning, efficient day-to-day management, and improved resource utilisation.

  • Better prediction of surgery times with AI
  • Manage surgical waiting lists
  • Unique data analytics for decision support
  • Improved department performance
  • Customised solution
Torin Progress

Torin Progress

On-time execution and complete documentation

Torin Progress supports surgical staff and managers in handling the increasing complexity in the surgical department.

  • On-time surgery schedule
  • Reschedule to accommodate deviations
  • Complete surgery documentation
  • Torin SmartView digital door sign
Torin Planning

Torin Planning

User-friendly OR scheduling and visual overviews

Torin Planning helps surgical departments optimise their long- and short-term surgery plan and increase the OR utilization.

  • Validated and conflict-free surgery plan
  • Maximised use of resources
  • Consistent quality of care

Kilinikum Stuttgart

Klinikum Stuttgart is one of the largest hospitals in Germany. The hospital generates an annual turnover of approximately 650 million Euro and the surgical department has an annual budget of around 200 million Euro.
OR management plays a key role for us at Klinikum Stuttgart. The surgical department is the most cost-intensive department in every hospital. It can create an important bottleneck that determines speed, efficiency, and quality of care. It is essential for us that we safeguard a high quality of care, says Dr. Ramolla. It is about managing the hospital economy, ensure profitability and at the same time provide the optimal medical care for our patients.

Download Case Study

Download Klinikum Stuttgart Case Story

Customer Case Story_Hospital
Customer Case Story_Dr Thomas Ramolla

Dr. med. Thomas Ramolla, MBA, Head of OR-Management at Klinikum Stuttgart in Germany

Founding and board member of the Association for OR Management e.V., Member of the Association of German Anesthetists (BDA)

“Standardisation, transparency, workload reduction with the help of our integrated Torin OR management software provided a decisive contribution to managing our tasks in the complex requirements of today’s OR management.’’

We decided to update our OR Management with a lot more SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and we implemented Torin[1] in September 2018. The results were evident and showed plenty of room for improvement in capacity management as well surgical and resource planning, says Dr. Ramolla.


“We now have a much better utilized surgical department with precise and reliable planning, maximised resource utilisation, and efficient management of our OR capacities.”

Dr. Ramolla

Kilinikum Stuttgart’s success at a glance

  • Early involvement of hospital management and departments
  • Implementation of strategic capacity planning
  • Performance standards with Torin OR management software and predefined settings
  • Resource management based on individual demands
  • More precise and reliable surgery planning with integration of perioperative process times
  • Accurate upstream and downstream process steps
  • Optimisation and standardisation of surgical workflows
  • In-depth integration at peripheral interfaces
  • Transparency and timely reporting
  • Digitalisation of surgery documentation
  • Implementation of standardisation concepts


Success at a glance
  1. 1. At that time known as myMedis in Germany