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1. We respect your privacy

The protection of your personal data is of great importance to Getinge. The purpose of this privacy notice (this “Privacy Policy”) is to inform you about how Getinge AB (“Getinge” or “we/us”) process your personal data in connection with you visiting our website, (the “Website”) and contacting us through any of our contact forms or applications. Getinge is the controller for the processing of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy.

The protection of your personal data is of great importance to Getinge. Getinge will always process your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).

If you have any questions, please contact Getinge’s data protection officer at

2. Categories of personal data, purposes of the processing and legal basis

Getinge needs to base all our processing of personal data on a legal basis in relation to each purpose of our processing. This section includes information on what types of personal data we process and why, what legal bases we have identified and for how long the personal data is stored.

This means, if you visit our Website or contact us through any of our online contact or application forms on the Website, either as a private person, as a representative of one of our existing or potential customers or suppliers, or in any other capacity, we collect and process personal data about you as described in the table below.

Please be referred to our Cookie Notice for information about the specific cookies we use and for our processing of your personal data in relation thereto.

Categories of personal data Purpose Legal basis Retention period
If you visit our Website, we process your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser language, geographical location data, demographic information, date and time, interest in products and information posted on our website and information about webpages, weblinks, and any other information on our Website accessed by you. To be able to make the Website available to you and to improve, develop, and enhance the usability of the website. We base our processing on our legitimate interest to ensure that you are given access to a well-functioning website which is up to date and provides you and other website visitors with easy access to the functions and information you seek.

The amount of personal data being processed is fairly limited and is generally analysed on an aggregated basis. Information concerning the demography, geographical location, interests and behavior data are not linked to any specific individual person and the recording can be deactivated at any time in the browser settings. The processing activities are not deemed to affect personal integrity to a large extent and are proportionate in relation to their purpose.

Based on those factors, we have performed a balance of interest assessment and have concluded that our legitimate interest in processing your personal data for the stated purpose outweigh your potential interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.

You are always entitled to object to this assessment. You can read further about your rights below.

This personal data is collected via the use of cookies and may be stored for different periods of time as each cookie has a specific duration. These individual duration periods relating to specific cookies are available in our Cookie Notice
Categories of personal data Purpose Legal basis Retention period
If you contact us via a contact form on our Website, e.g. to contact our sales department, place a service order, order spare parts, contact our technical support, contact us as a representative for the media or otherwise contact us, we process such personal data that is mandatory to provide in order to use the relevant contact form. Such information may include your name,
e-mail address, your street address and the company you represent. What information that is mandatory to provide will vary depending on which form you use.

If you voluntarily provide additional information, such as your telephone number and any information you provide in your personal message, we process this as well.

The contact forms will indicate which fields are mandatory for each respective contact form. If you do not provide such mandatory personal data to us, you will not be able to submit your message via our online contact form.

To be able to administer, follow up and respond to any messages and questions you send us through our contact forms, and to take necessary actions in relation to such messages and questions. Our processing is based on our legitimate interest to administer, follow up and respond to messages and questions and to take necessary actions relating to your inquiry.

This processing is initiated by your contact and the personal data collected is limited to such information which is necessary in order for us to administer, follow up and respond to such contact and take action if needed. In our opinion, our processing of such personal data is to some extent also a shared interest between us as it lies within your interest that your personal data is used to provide you with the services or information you have requested.

Based on the factors mentioned above, we have conducted a balance of interest assessment and have concluded that our legitimate interest outweigh your potential interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.

You are always entitled to object to this assessment. You can read further about your rights below.

The exact duration of processing may vary depending on what department within Getinge that will receive your message. What department that will receive your message depends on; (i) what contact form you have used; and (ii) what country you or your company are located in.

However, your personal data will at least be stored for the duration of our correspondence and contact, and for a limited period thereafter, to enable any follow up of our correspondence and contact if needed.

Categories of personal data Purpose Legal basis Retention period
If you subscribe to receive continuous information and updates concerning our work or our products, we process your name and e-mail address. To be able to provide you with information and updates concerning our business and our products as requested by you. Our processing is based on our legitimate interest to provide you with the information you have requested. 

This processing is initiated by your subscription and the personal data collected is limited to such information, which is necessary in order for us to provide the requested documentation. In our opinion, our processing of such personal data is to some extent also a shared interest between us as it lies within your interest that your personal data is used to provide the information you have requested.

Based on the factors mentioned above, we have conducted a balance of interest assessment and have concluded that our legitimate interest outweigh your potential interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.

You are always entitled to object to this assessment. You can read further about your rights below.

Your personal data is stored until you no longer wish to receive our information. Once you have unsubscribed, we will delete your personal data as soon as possible. Statistics which have been anonymised may be saved thereafter.

You are given the opportunity to unsubscribe in connection with each distribution of information, and may also unsubscribe by contacting us using the contact information provided in the below.

Categories of personal data Purpose Legal basis Retention period
If you fill out the research application form for Getinge Support for Clinical Study Research, we process your name, organization/institution, country and city, phone number and e-mail address.

The above information is mandatory to provide in order to file your application. If you do not provide such mandatory personal data to us, you will not be able to submit your application via our online form.

If you voluntarily provide additional information relevant for your application, such as your street address, your work title and any information you provide in the free-text boxes or as is contained in any documentation you upload, we process this as well.

To be able to administer, follow up and respond to your application and to take necessary actions in relation thereto. Our processing is based on our legitimate interest to provide you with the information you have requested and to review your application. 

This processing is initiated by your application and the personal data collected is limited to such information, which is necessary in order for us to provide the requested documentation. In our opinion, our processing of such personal data is to some extent also a shared interest between us as it lies within your interest that your personal data is used to provide the information you have requested.

Based on the factors mentioned above, we have conducted a balance of interest assessment and have concluded that our legitimate interest outweigh your potential interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.

You are always entitled to object to this assessment. You can read further about your rights below.

The exact duration of processing may vary depending on the nature of your application.

However, your personal data will at least be stored for the duration of our evaluation of your application, including any correspondence and contact with you, and for a period thereafter to enable any follow up of the application, or initiation of a project.

In addition to the above, if necessary, Getinge will process personal data for the establishment, exercise and/or defense of legal claims. In such case, the data will be kept until the legal claim is finally settled and thereafter for the statute of limitation period. This processing is based on Getinge’s legitimate interest to establish, exercise and defend legal claims.

3. From where is your personal data collected?

We will only collect the personal data directly from you, or from the company you represent as set out in Section 2 above.  

The provision of your personal data is necessary to provide to the extent as set out in Section 2. If you do not provide your personal data to us, we may not be able to provide you with access to our website or all its services or provide you with information requested by you, and we will not be able to respond to your messages and questions.

4. With whom does Getinge share your personal data? 

We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss, accidental and unlawful access and unauthorized disclosure. The number of persons with access to your personal data is limited. Only individuals within Getinge that need to process your personal data in accordance with the purposes above have access to your personal data.

We may share your personal data with Getinge affiliates if necessary in order to achieve the purposes described in Section 2.

In order to fulfill the purposes of processing, Getinge may, if necessary, also share your personal data with the following suppliers and partners that carry out services on our behalf or in other ways collaborate with us, including:

a)   IT suppliers;
b)   Suppliers of CRM systems;
c)   Suppliers of marketing services; and
d)   Technical service providers.

Your personal data may also be shared with courts and other authorities in order to fulfill the purposes described above.

5. Will Getinge transfer your personal data outside the EU/EEA? 

If necessary in order to fulfil the purposes of the processing, Getinge may transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA, which may have a lower level of protection than within the EU/EEA. Below is a list of where your personal data may be transferred, the purpose therefore, our legitimate interest for such transfers and the relevant safeguards we use to ensure a sufficient level of protection for your personal data.

Countries outside the EU/EEA where Getinge entities are established or conducting business.​

Country Purpose Legal Basis Safeguard
Countries outside the EU/EEA where Getinge entities are established or conducting business. To fulfil the purposes described in Section 2 above, including providing assistance and support in relation to inquiries submitted via the Website. The transfers are based on our legitimate interest. Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission, unless the country in question has obtained an adequacy decision by the European Commission, or the circumstances of the transfer makes it lawful as a one off transfer. Contact us if you wish to receive a copy of the standard contractual clauses.
The Unites States of America To store and process relevant information in Getinge’s and its affliates’ IT-systems to fulfil the purposes described in Section 2 The transfers are based on our legitimate interest. When transferring Personal Data to countries outside the EU/EEA, we use the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission to ensure a sufficient level of protection for your personal data. Contact us if you wish to receive a copy of the standard contractual clauses.
Other countries on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the relevant assistance and support situation and any measures deemed necessary to take. To fulfil the purposes described in Section 2 above, including providing assistance and support in relation to inquiries submitted via the Website. The transfers are based on our legitimate interest. Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission, unless the country in question has obtained an adequacy decision by the European Commission, or the circumstances of the transfer makes it lawful as a one off transfer.

6. Your rights

Getinge is the data controller of the processing of your personal data. This means that we are responsible for your personal data being processed correctly and in accordance with applicable laws. Below you will find a summary of rights that may apply. You may ask questions about how your personal data is processed as well as exercise your rights free of charge by using the
Data Subject request form.

Please note that Getinge will assess in each single case if a request to exercise your rights is valid. The below rights are not absolute and exceptions may apply.

a) Right to access

You are entitled to know what personal data we are processing about you, for which purposes we are processing the personal data and who we share your personal data with etc. You have the right to gain access to the personal data and obtain a copy of your personal data undergoing processing.

b) Right to rectification

You have the right to obtain rectification if you note that your personal data should be inaccurate and/or have your personal data completed if it is incomplete.

c) Right to erasure

You have the right to request that Getinge erases your personal data if one of the following applies:

  • the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
  • the processing is based on your consent, and you withdraw your consent;
  • the processing is conducted for direct marketing and you object to such processing;
  • you make a valid objection to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest;
  • the personal data have been unlawfully processed; or
  • the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation.

Please note that erasure of your personal data may result in us not being able to provide you with access to our website or all its services, provide you with information, annual reports or press releases, respond to your messages and questions, or contact you in your professional role.

d) Right to restriction

You have the right to request restriction of processing of your personal data where one of the following applies:

  • when you contest to the accuracy of the personal data and have requested rectification;
  • the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead;
  • Getinge no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; or
  • you have objected to the processing and the objection is awaiting to be verified.

Please note that erasure of your personal data may result in us not being able to provide you with access to our website or all its services, provide you with information, annual reports or press releases, respond to your messages and questions, or contact you in your professional role.

e) Right to data portability

Under certain circumstances you have the right to extract your personal data in a machine-readable format or transmit it to another controller.

f) Right to object

In certain cases, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, for example, objection may be done at any time if the processing is based on Getinge’s legitimate interest or for direct marketing purposes.

g) Withdrawal of consent

If you have given your consent to processing of your personal data for an explicit purpose you may always withdraw your consent. If you want to withdraw your consent, you may contact us through the contact information provided above.

If you have any questions, please contact Getinge’s data protection officer at In addition to the above, you always have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection
(Sw. Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten). You may also contact the supervisory authority where you live, the relevant supervisory authorities can be found here.

7. Changes

If any changes are made concerning the processing of your personal data, we will inform you of such changes by publishing an updated version of this privacy notice on the Getinge webpage:

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